5 Tips for Creating a More Energy Efficient Home

Mother and daughter cooking in energy efficient houseDid you know that there are some easy ways you can save a few bucks and reduce your carbon footprint? Making your home more energy efficient is good for your pocketbook and your peace of mind. Here are five simple ways to do just that:

1)    Plant a tree. Planting a shade tree on the side of your house that gets the most sunlight can greatly reduce energy costs. As the tree grows, it will provide shade over your home during the hottest months, reducing your air conditioning bill. Choose a beautiful shade tree you can enjoy now and thirty years from now, and reap big dividends later.

2)    Set up a rain barrel. Have you ever considered how much time and energy it takes to deliver clean water to your home? It’s substantial! Buy a couple of rain barrels and use the water to irrigate your garden. Save energy and water and reduce your water bill.

3)    Get the right light. Replacing your fluorescent bulbs with LED bulbs is a small investment to make now that can result in savings later. Also, consider swapping out those less energy-efficient floor and table lamps with an energy efficient Microsun Lamp, which provides up to eight times the amount of light as a regular lamp bulb while using less energy.

4)    Insulate water heaters and pipes. While we are quick to insulate the walls of our homes, many forget that a substantial amount of heat can be lost through our water heaters and pipes. Cover your water heater with an insulated blanket and have foam or rubber pipe insulation installed to reduce heat loss from hot water pipes.

5)    Upgrade your thermostat. Older thermostats require one to flip between activating the furnace and the air conditioner to provide the optimum temperature. Newer “smart” thermostats can be programmed to keep your home at the ideal temperature throughout the day.

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