How to Adjust When Daylight Saving Time Ends

Daylight Savings Time ended earlier this month, and yet for many of us, the effects of the time change linger still.  Many are still experiencing increased levels of tiredness and lethargy as the days seem shorter and evenings longer and darker.

Some ways to assist in alleviation of these symptoms include maintaining a steady schedule, getting regular exercise and increasing light sources, especially during the evening hours.

Dr. Alexandre Abreu from the University of Miami Sleep Medicine program offers the following advice for dealing with the Autumn time change:

Introduce artificial light and a bit of exercise after dinner…Maybe take a walk at a brightly lit mall, visit a fitness center and walk on a treadmill or ride a stationary bike, or go grocery shopping. If you are home, you might do some light housework with plenty of lights on, or focus on a (brightly lit) hobby or craft project.

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Source: How to Adjust When Daylight Saving Time Ends

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